Shropshire Hills & Ludlow


We will add any information which is relevant to the pandemic below.  As an organisation we are open to hearing ideas as to how we can kick start business once the current self-isolation ends.

Free Money – well the government grants of £10k or £25k for business

The application form for the COVID-19 business grants is live on Shropshire Council’s website. This link includes details of eligibility and we would urge businesses to check through this information to understand if they are eligible before completing an application:

For any queries please  contact the council direct on


Shropshire Council provides support for local businesses amid Coronavirus outbreak

Shropshire Council is urgently working through a number of measures to support local businesses through the coronavirus pandemic.

Shropshire Council is urgently working through a number of measures to support local businesses through the coronavirus pandemic.

Shropshire Council has over 12,000 businesses listed for business rates but of those, over 5,400 don’t pay any business rates currently as they receive 100% small business rate relief.  On 17 March 2020 the Government have announced that these businesses will receive an additional £10,000 grant to assist them with ongoing business costs.

Also, it has been announced that retail relief has been increased for 2020-21 to 100% and extended to include leisure and hospitality businesses.  Also, qualifying retail, hospitality and leisure businesses with a rateable value of less than £51,000 will receive a £25,000 grant. 

We would ask all businesses to bear with us while we wait for further clarification from the Government about how this assistance will work.  Please be assured that we are working to get these reductions notified to qualifying businesses as soon as we can.

And other businesses that won’t qualify for these reliefs but who would like to discuss their payments or spread their instalments over twelve months should contact

Source – Shropshire Council

Getting outdoors

One question at the forefront of a lot of people’s mind: Is it still safe to get outside? The simple answer is – yes, but not necessarily as you are used to.

Social distancing measures will help reduce our social interaction between people, but please note the current advice that if you can, and do, go for a walk outdoors, then stay more than two metres from others.

Latest police guidance says you should not be in your car longer than you are exercising, so be safe and walk near home